This Page is Part of the Website For More Good Stuff See SCRIPTUREMAN.COM Obtaining answers and directions for life from the Lord through His Revealed Word Table of Contents ©2001 Rev Paul R. Schmidtbleicher, ThM The Scriptures say that, "...the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel" (1 Cor 9:14) If you have been blessed or edified by this page, please consider sending $1 in an envelope to PO Box 1037 Brewster WA 98812--1037 |
(c) 2001 Holly L. Schmidtbleicher "BE STILL..." BE STILL your anxious thoughts of mind; BE STILL when answers you fail to find. BE STILL impatient, questioning heart, For I've held the answers from the start. "Be still and KNOW..." KNOW that every need I will provide; KNOW that I will never leave your side. KNOW that your times are in My hands, As in your life I work to fulfill My plans. "Be still and know that I AM..." I AM He who sees your every tear; I AM He who calms your deepest fear. I AM He who gives peace within life's storms, While those tempests I use to strengthen and form. "Be still and know that I am GOD..." GOD, who sent My only Son; GOD Almighty, Omniscient One. GOD, who loved you enough to die, So trust Me, my child; stop asking why. "BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD."