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For More Good Stuff
God's Word: The Answer Book

Obtaining answers and directions
for life from the Lord through
His Revealed Word

Table of Contents

©2001 Rev Paul R. Schmidtbleicher, ThM

The Scriptures say that,
"...the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel"
(1 Cor 9:14)

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Love You With My Life
(c) 2000 Holly L. Schmidtbleicher

Father, You sent your Son
That I may be free;
I know He still would have died
Even if only for me.

He came to earth
To live as a man;
He conquered the grave
And rose again.

Because He lives
Death has no sting;
For we too shall have life
To your promise we cling.

The cross is a bridge
Over sin's great divide;
To vanquish the darkness
With your glorious light.

I thank You for my salvation
And the life that You give;
I pray that each day
For your glory I'll live.

You bless me and keep me
As I seek your face;
You hold me with love
In your everlasting embrace.

You are my Protector,
My Father, my Friend;
I want to worship and praise You
Until my life's end.

You never leave me;
You pick me up when I fall.
I surrender myself;
Lord, I give You my all.

Take me and use me
However you will;
Help me to trust You
And in your presence be still.

I long to know You
And to follow your ways,
To understand the depths of your love
And your unfathomable grace.

You have carried my burdens
And bore all my strife;
My heart's sole desire
Is to Love You With My Life.
