This Page is Part of the Website For More Good Stuff See SCRIPTUREMAN.COM Obtaining answers and directions for life from the Lord through His Revealed Word Table of Contents ©2001 Rev Paul R. Schmidtbleicher, ThM The Scriptures say that, "...the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel" (1 Cor 9:14) If you have been blessed or edified by this page, please consider sending $1 in an envelope to PO Box 1037 Brewster WA 98812--1037 |
The Christmas Gift of Love and Life In a little town called Bethlehem, An extraordinary child was born, A human, virgin mother, He gave up his throne to become a man, Little did the people know, This child born in a cattle stall Blankets that were grave clothes, Portraying that he was born to die In time, this little boy and Son of God He made the blind to see, the lame to walk, But despite his miracles and power They crucified him on a cross, Why would this man, if he were God, It was for every one of us, You see, his death was not in vain; It satisfied a righteous God They pierced his side to prove his death For after three days in the grave, Our one true God is living, He offers to you everlasting life His standard is perfection, For all have sinned and for those sins, The simple message of salvation Not love, good deeds or pennance; For He knew we could not measure up; Simply trust in Christ as Savior The reason for this message That you will know the love of God Return