Obtaining Answers and Directions for Life
From the Lord Through His Revealed Word
This site is established and maintained by:
Rev. Paul R. Schmidtbleicher
Pastor - Teacher
Evergreen Baptist Church
Seattle Washington
About Us: SCRIPTUREMAN.COM is established as a Bible-believing Christian ministry to set forth the approach to life that is founded upon the Word of God, the Scriptures comprising both Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The site is maintained by and is an extension of the pastoral ministry of:
Rev. Paul R. Schmidtbleicher, Th.B., Th.M.
Pastor - Teacher
Evergreen Baptist Church
Seattle Area of Washington
Our Mission: To present as accurate as possible an understanding of the Bible that is true to itself and the Lord who wrote it with the end result of providing directives, answers, and a well lighted path for eternal life and living abundantly before the Lord God.
Our belief is that God intended His Word to have ONE correct meaning or interpretation. We do not pretend to have that meaning in all areas. However, it is our goal to try to come to that meaning by careful Exegesis. Exegesis is the science of Bible Interpretation that takes into account at least three important principles: (1) The Historical Background of when the Bible was written to discern word and custom meanings; (2) The original Old Testament Hebrew, Aramaic and New Testament Koine Greek languages in which the Scriptures were originally
composed; and (3) Allowing by comparison of Scripture with Scripture, the Bible to be the best interpreter of Itself.
Based upon a sound exegesis of the Scriptures will come the practical directives and answers that can change both individual lives and society to fulfill the promise of Jesus that He came to bring LIFE and LIFE more abundantly (John 10:10b).
Credentials: Who is Rev. Paul R. Schmidtbleicher, Th.B., Th.M.? Paul R. Schmidtbleicher, after graduating in the Electronics division of Cass Technical High School (Detroit, Michigan), attended the University of Michigan for two years in the school of engineering. Realizing a call to full time occupational ministry, he transferred to Detroit Bible College [Now William Tyndale College] to complete three more years and graduate with a Bachelor of Theology Degree in 1970. He then entered Dallas Theological Seminary to complete the four
year Master of Theology Degree program in 1974 majoring in Old Testament and Hebrew with a minor in New Testament and Greek. Paul pastored his first congregation in Iowa for 15 years before moving to his present Seattle congregation in 1989. He has over 9 years of post high school education and over 25 years in pastoral ministry.
Contact: You may wish to contact SCRIPTUREMAN.COM
OnLine Email
P.O. Box 12044
Mill Creek, WA 98082-2044
Financial Policy: SCRIPTUREMAN.COM is a "Grace" ministry dependant on the freewill offerings of believers. There is no charge for what we offer out of the Scriptures. The message of the Lord is to be freely given. This is grace. The Lord also says, "the laborer is worthy of his hire." (1 Tim 5:18) As another has said, "God's work done in God's time will never lack God's support." If you are blessed and edified by any of the materials presented here and are motivated to give, you
are encouraged to do so for the support of this ministry. No amount given in the right Spirit before the Lord is too small. Make gifts payable to Rev. Paul R. Schmidtbleicher.
Copyrights: The copyrights of all materials on this site belong to the individual authors. All the original materials by Rev. Paul R. Schmidtbleicher presented here are copyrighted by Rev. Paul R. Schmidtbleicher. The purpose of copyrighting these materials is not to "lock them up," but to protect the materials for free grace distribution. Under the copyright, you are permitted to download and make as many copies as you want as long as the entire piece is disseminated and proper credit is given.
Information Available on SCRIPTUREMAN.COM
How to Have Eternal Life
The Bible is very clear. Salvation and Eternal Life are available from God through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. He died on the Cross to pay for our sins. If we will put our personal faith in Him, the gift of eternal life is ours!
White Papers
"White Papers" are detailed Biblical studies on specific topics of interest to the growing Christian. The following Biblical Papers are presented:
Disqualification from Spiritual Leadership
With a growing number of spiritual leaders becoming involved in major sins, trust is waning. It is therefore important to see how the Lord Himself handled His human leaders when they made choices to immerse themselves into areas of major sin. If Biblical Christianity is going to prosper, then the leadership must stand to the Biblical tests and meet the Lord's qualifications. This is where our "white papers" begin.
This paper was originally prepared for a 1996 Pastor's Conference. It was set in a two column format that had the points presented in the left column and the scriptures from which they were derived in the right column. To place this on the "web," the formatting was changed to place the scriptures under the points.
Forgiveness - Forgiveness among Believers
One of the most misunderstood areas of Christian Living is our relationship with other Believers in when and how to forgive or what to do in seeking forgiveness. This critical study of Scripture seeks to give some specific answers to those questions.
This paper was originally prepared for a 1997 Pastor's Conference and subsequently published in the Journal of Chafer Theological Seminary.
The Days of Debra - the Abdication of Men from Headship
One of the problems with the church of our day is that men have retreated from their God-given position of "Headship." This was clearly evident during the days of Debra, a judge in Israel. This paper is strongly based upon the excellent treatment of this subject by John Piper and Wayne Grudem in their book Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
The paper was originally prepared for a 1992 pastors conference on the subject of Evangelical Feminism.
The Biblical Definition of Love
God has given us His definition of Love in the Bible. The Scriptures are clear that the most basic aspect of "love" is directly related to keeping the commandments of God. Beyond this basic definition, the Scriptures spell out in sixteen important aspects which are taken up in detail to define love.
Original poems are presented from a Biblical and accurate theological perspective